Class of 1960
Class of 1961
Katy McAuliffe Pasco
Class of 1962
Dottie Lou Adams
Class of 1963
George Alexander
Class of 1964
Happy Baker
Charles Edson
John "Brek" Nitsche
John Schneider
Milton (Joe) Szmajda
Class of 1965
Kandy Kendall
Class of 1966
George Castillo
Jon Hulme
Julie Morrison
Class of 1967
Marian "Mary" Carner
Georgia Lacinak
Class of 1968
William E. Holcombe Jr.
Jackie Larkins
Michelle Meers
Class of 1969
Ronn Perez
Christine Szaniawski

Gale Elaine Black '61
Memories from Marjorie Strickland '60
Submitted on 2/25/2005
I would like to add my dear friend, Gale Elaine Black '61, to the memorial listings. She was at Clark from 1957-1958. She was always bubbling with laughter and we were always together, sometimes getting into mischief as 14 and 15 year olds will! Our friendship was typical of military brats. After I left Clark, we wrote to one another sporadically, just often enough to keep track of where we were. Then I lost touch with her for a year or so, until she wrote me from Turkey where her Dad was stationed. She wrote that she had met her fiance there and they were moving to Connecticut to be married. Again I didn't hear from her until my husband and I were in New England on vacation some two years later. I called my Mom while there and she told me Gale had written and gave me her address. She was living in South Windsor, Ct. and she and Bob had a beautiful baby girl, Beth. Gale was so happy with her little family. Again, we didn't write too often, so it was not a great surprise when my letter was returned "addressee unknown." Now this was about 1968 and no look up on computers was possible but I was determined to find her. So, I wrote to the occupants of the houses on either side of her former house and the one across the street, too. I received an answer from a neighbor from further down the street. The letter one of the others received had been passed on to him. Anyway, I found her again...she was living in Stratford, CT. and had a little boy as well as Beth. We kept in touch for several years after that then again lost touch. In the mean time, I opened my dress shop and had a lot of tourists shop with me. One day a lady came in and we began talking about her visit to Panama City and I learned she was from Stratford. I told her that when she returned home to call Gale and let her know that I was waiting to hear from her. I received a letter from the lady and she said that she hated to tell me but my friend, Gale, was dead. I was heartbroken. Gale and Bob had divorced and Gale had moved to Florida. She was killed in a car-pedestrian accident. But the lady knew nothing else about what had happened. I just got on the phone and called her ex husband and he told me where her Dad lived. After calling her Dad, I learned her Mom had died shortly after Gale. He was remarried and his new wife was the one that explained that Gale had been killed in November 1977 but she didn't know where Gale was buried. To make a too long story somewhat shorter, I found her. She may not have been lost to her family, but she was to me but I looked for her until I found last time. All I can say now is that Gale and I will meet last time.
Glenn Labinski '60
Memories from Chuck Jones '61
Glen graduated in 1960 and died in 1964. He is missed by Larry and Sheila Hickey and Chuck Jones and all his good friends. He was working for PG&E and was electrocuted doing very dangerous work on a high voltage wire.
We will be talking about the fun we had together at the reunion this weekend - and the golf games in Baguio - intimidating the kids at the Subic Bay Teen Club --- there were so many memories.
John Michael Burgess '61
Memories from Kathleen Burgess '62
Submitted on 12/08/04
This is the first time I have seen the web page for Wagner/Wurtsmith--it is really interesting. I noted
that my brother, John Michael Burgess, class of 1961, is not included with those who have passed on. He died in a fire in 1969.
Margaret (Margie) Sells '61
Memories from Jim Sells '68
I am her brother, Jim Sells, class of 68. As the yearbook points out Margie was very active. She went on to college at the Univ of New Mexico and met a rancher. She married and worked on the ranch until her death in 1968. She loved being a housewife and working with the horses and cattle. She died from a complication with pregnancy in Dec 1968. Please e-mail if you have any questions.
Memories from Jim Sells '68
Submitted on August 2, 2009
After graduation in 1961, Marge moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to attend the University of New Mexico. She met Norban Biffle while attending college; the Biffle family were cattle ranchers in New Mexico and Wyoming. They married and settled on the Biffle ranch in Wheatland, Wyoming.
Marge was loved beyond description by all of the Biffle family, and everyone was devastated when Marge passed away on December 8, 1967. After fighting for almost a week, Marge succumbed to a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. The shock consumed both the Sells and Biffle families. I still remember the screams of my younger brother and sister, as Aunt Margaret told them that Marge was gone forever.
Her husband, Norban, remarried a lady by the name of Donna, who had lost her husband in an accident and was a widow with one daughter. Together, they raised three more children and I met everyone while attending a funeral recently for Norban's mother (Hattie). Norban showed me the photo album that Marge had from the PI days, tears running down his cheek as he remembered his wife of 41 years ago. Time had not healed any of his pain, as he chokingly asked me to copy any pictures I'd like to have.
Marge was the oldest by seven years, and I regret that her passing denied us the opportunity of knowing this beautiful person through a normal lifespan. In November of 2008, her brother Ken passed away after a losing battle with his demons and the ineffective treatment by alcohol. Ken was 13 when Marge passed, and any mention of her would cause him to be silent, as he stifled the urge to cry.
Marge is buried at the Clayton, New Mexico cemetery. Her husband, Norban, has reserved a space next to her.
Years ago, I memorized the caption underneath her picture, "It's nice to be natural, when you're naturally nice."
I am happy that some of you had the opportunity to know Marge, a naturally nice person.
John Sells
Ann Adrian ' 62
Memories from Chuck Jones '61
Submitted on June 3, 2007
Ann Adrian lived at Clark AFB from 1953 until she graduated from High School in 1962.
Ann was my girl friend in HS when we were not having lover’s quarrels or when she dated Peter Brown during the filming of Merrill’s Marauders on Base. When Ann graduated from WHS she stayed with my mother in Seattle and mom got her into her alma mater at eastern Washington, I was in prep-school in Washington D.C, at that time.
Ann was a beautiful person inside and outside and the most honest person I have ever met and this integrity plus a very high IQ and work ethic lead her into a very successful career as a Commercial Real-estate Agent for over 20 years in the Bay area.
I visited Ann and Peter Pepper (her husband) two years before her death. They lived on a very large piece of land in Sebastopol (near San Francisco). Pete was rebuilding the house when I visited. Ann and Peter dinned with us at our home in Scottsdale, Arizona later that year and we talked all night.
Ann’s loving mother lives in Florida and her three brothers (all WHS grads) live in Reno, Anchorage and one retired from the Air Force and was recently buried on the old Parade Grounds at Clark. Her son Francis Scarpulla who lives with his wife and two children in the Bay area survives Ann.
When I would fly into Clark during the 70’s and early 80’s as a pilot, I would visit the Adrian’s who lived just off base in a house that Ann’s father built with his own hands.
At the funeral I met and talked to two of Ann’s friends and her mother. Ann had been suffering from clinical depression for a long time and eventually the disease led to her death.
I believe my beautiful friend is now at peace and with the Lord—God bless her
Chuck Jones 61’
Bonnie Jean Petryk Hale '62
Memories from Mary Lou Petryk Bordelon '58
Submitted on 5/31/00
It is always hard to accept the passing of a loved one. You never think your younger sister will go before you do, but in Bonnie's case it was lung cancer that took her life. Her cancer doctor told us he had never seen this type of cancer except in a smoker - that's why he hates cigarettes. As Bonnie's husband said - it was 40 years of smoking that killed her. She found out she had it in the fall of 1998 and, of course, stopped smoking then, but it was too late.
Thank God she didn't suffer too long, but it was hard to sit there that last day and watch her gasping for every breath she took. I also thank God that the day before she passed away she was alert and joking with us and we were able to talk with her. She seemed to be getting better but that night she took a turn for the worst and the next night at 11:13 pm she quietly passed away. We are also thankful that at the end of her life she was a regular churchgoer and that we have the confidence that she has gone to a better place where she will suffer no more.
Please tell anyone you know that smokes that smoking does kill and they need to quit.
Leroy William Hargett, Jr '62
Memories from Donna Walls McCrary '60
Submitted on 11/20/2001
Going thru my old yearbook I found the follwoing article, maybe you can post. October 25, 1960 (from a San Antonio newspaper).
San Antonio has recorded its fiftieth traffic fatality of the year with the death of a 16 year old school student Leroy William Hargett, Jr died from head and neck injuries after he fell from the back of a pickup truck and never regained consciousness. Leroy was a freshman at Wurthsmith in 1959.
Jay Ousey '62
Memories from Jim Sells '62
Submitted on September 8, 2006
From: Jim Sells class of 62. I am passing on information on Jay Ousey, class of 62. Jay was killed last year in a motorcycle accident in Dallas, Tx. His 2 sisters Terry Ousey and Diane Ousey are members if you need more information.
Bset Regards, Jim Sells
May the peace of Christ inspire your day.
Joe Rutledge '62
Memories from Lloyd Rutledge (brother)
Joseph H Rutledge, know as Joe, who went to Wurtsmith in 1957 -1958 passed away on February 23, 1992 of a ruptured intesine. He attended Wurtsmith until he was hurt playing baseball up at school. This happened in April of 58, He was seriously hurt, and needed to be sent to Lackland A.F.B. Hospital and received treatments from that hospital. He was an invalid for the rest of his life, but had a great life living the next 34 years with his family in San Antonio, Texas. He was completely paralyzed from this accident, but his mind was okay. His mother remembers many of his friends and faculty from that time period. She is hoping to hear from some of his friends.
If anyone remebered Joe from 57-58 or his brothers, Gary, Wayne, or his sister Marilyn Rutledge please contact his family at His family would appreciate hearing from his friends.
Raymond Tomczyk '64
Memories from Barb Tomczyk '62
Submitted on 06/06/2011
My big brother was also my very best friend.
We were 3.5 years apart so I am listed in the 1964 as a Sophomore and the 1965 yearbook as a Junior.
So many memories included “Oh you’re Robby Tomczyk’s sister” from faculty members
And Mr. Svoboda from Wagner. Always made me laugh that I had to live up to
my brother’s standards while in the P.I.
Rob spent his adult work life in the computer world, writing several programs and teaching large companies how
to operate and use those programs.
He lived in Los Angeles, Wahoo Nebraska, Boston MA, Austin TX and Myrtle Beach SC (where he actually graduated high school and was
a star basketball athlete ) and
Returned to live in the 2003 to 2005. He died in Austin TX from cancer.
When Rob died on 2/22/2007 he left 4 grown children, Piperlyne, Laura, Joshua and Lucas and
Three grandchildren. There are now five grandchildren and he would be so proud of all of them.
I am so proud of him and miss him every day….
Barb Tomczyk Hussey
“Little Sister Ugly” as he used to call me.
John Lewis Monroe '62
Memories from Jerry Long '63
Submitted on 05/03/2021
We lost JOHN LEWIS MONROE, class of 1962, one of the greats of the early ‘6os era. John was smart and elegant dresser and funny, a master of all things Kingston Trio, and other folk artists. He and I met on the famed Rice Terraces Trip, sponsored by Doc Weber, over Thanksgiving 1960 and were friends for life. He met Jo Anne Wade ’62 and later married her in 1965 at Dover AFB. John gave me BUD AND TRAVIS and Eartha Kitt and I was forever grateful. Post Clark AFB we were roomies in College and later in a boarding house in Alexandria one summer as we worked for Greyhound Moving and Storage! RIP John…you will be missed.
Kay Gillan '63
Memories from Mary Ellen Cullinan Reynolds '63
Our friend and classmate was as sweet as a rose and with a Soul as delicate. I have many memories that I will treasure of Kay. Not just one single one as she was not a person who tried to stand out in a crowd. There have been many people who have passed through my life and very few that have left lasting memories. Kay was one who did.
I am proud to have known Kay and called her my friend. I know all of her classmates feel the same.
Toby Metts '63
Memories from Jerry Long '63
Our friend and classmate, from the class of 1963, Toby Metts, passed away from lung cancer Thursday morning at St. Josephs Hospital Cancer Center, in Tampa. Toby fought a good and valiant fight against this damnable disease. He died quietly in his sleep with his lovely wife Donna at his side.
Some of us from the early sixties had been aware of his illness and had been in contact over the last 18 months. The "Big Guy" enjoyed knowing about WHOA and had planned to attend a couple of our reunions but his illness prevented it. The last communication I received from Toby was an e-mail a couple of months ago saying "Jerry, I'll get back to you soon but right now I am up to my a.. in alligators!" So in honor of Toby, lets all go kick some alligator butt!
Thursday my work took me to NASA and I stopped in the Publications Office as I have been doing for years, to pick up some more cosmic photos, especially ones from the Hubble Telescope. My favorite one wasn't there, but they had a new one showing colliding galaxies. I thought immediately that it would be fun to send one to Toby with a note saying "Hey Big Guy, you think you have troubles with colliding cancer cells....hell, imagine being hit by a whole damn galaxcy!" When I got home at 7:00 Thursday night Lee told me to check the phone messages, "there is some bad news". Thats when I learned of Toby's passing on. Donna's message was brief but she wanted me to let you all know.
I will be saluting one of the greats of my era, known and loved by everybody, Vice President of our Junior Class, owner of one of the hottest Lambrettas, a star of our football team, shot putter of note and studdly duddly do right who captured the heart of one of the lovelies girls to ever, repeat EVER, to walk the halls of Wagner. I will be regretting the fact that we never got to know each other as adults, in person. From what I have gathered since meeting him on line Toby turned into one fine man, an energetic and prosperous businesman and a much beloved husband. I salute Toby for his service in Vietnam.
Memories from Duffy Shaw '63
I knew him as a Jr. I will never forget the first time I walked into the Teen Club, scared to death because I knew no one, and this big, kind of handsome guy with the most beautiful puppy dog eyes walked up and asked me to dance. It was lust at first sight. He was the first guy I dated there and he was so much fun. Even after we broke up (which was soon after we started dating), he remained a friend and protector until he left. He was a bit on the wild side but never mean to anyone. I was so glad to start talking to him again last year after his first operation. He didn't talk much about the PI or his time in Vietnam but he was funny and smart and just as sweet as ever. He adored his wife and he was so sad about leaving her.
Memories from Warren Turner '63
I , too remember going to the teen club that "first" time when you knew no one. And who should be there but Toby. (Now, the rest of this is guy stuff, I guess...) In those days, we all had to be content to drive our parents cars. Toby had his fathers relatively new Dodge with him. I remember it was a tourquoise green, and most significantly, it had the new Dodge "Slant-Six" engine. Even then, sixes were not too cool, but you drove what you had. My fathers car was a straight six and I got into a conversation re cars. One thing led to another, and we headed out to a friendly little competition out on the maingate road....To this day I don't remember who won, but it was an icebreaker for a new guy. Toby was always the strong silent type,and as you said, never talked too much. But his willing acceptance of a new guy made a lot of difference to me. I met up with him years later at UF...I'm not sure if he attended there or was visiting. Nonetheless, I mourn the passing of a 63'r, cause there ain't too many of us....Mabuhay, Toby, and all.
Rolando Santa Ana '63
Memories from Jim Santa Ana '64
Submitted on 05/24/2007
I am grieved to announce the passing of my brother, Rolando Santa Ana, Class of '63 on May 7, 2007. Rolando retired as Colonel in the U.S. Air Force after serving in the Medical Staff for 21 years. He work as a civilian physician specializing in pediatrics the past 5 years, for the U. S. Army clinics in Shelby Township, Michigan.
Jim Santa Ana
Memories from Jerry Long '63
Submitted on 05/24/2007
I just got off the phone with Jim Santa Ana, offering my condolences at the death of his brother, my classmate Dr. Roland Santa Ana. Jim will be posting something soon. Just wanted him and sister Merle to know how grieved we are at the news. I had reconnected with Roland several years ago and had several lovely phone conversations and e-mails. He was the quiet studious one of the Class of 1963 who went on to a distinquished career as a doctor and flight surgeon, retiring as a full Col. He posted a pic of him and his jet! Whatever happened is beyond our measure to understand, just sorry he and his wife could not get the help they needed, when they needed it.
Rest in peace salute and my deep sorrow at your inner turmoil. Am so sorry to lose you.
Charles Cook '64
Memories from Brenda Cook '63
Submitted on 06/06/2011
My brother, Charles Cook, was a class member at Wagner in his Sophomore and Junior year. We moved back to the States in December of his Junior (and my Senior) year -- 1963.
Charles died on 3 Dec 2010 of complications from West Nile Virus. He contracted the virus in 2005, was in a coma for 3 months, and was paralyzed when he finally came back to us from that coma. He did have some good years after that and will be greatly missed by his family and friends.
Thanks for your help.
Brenda (Cook) '63
Jacob Mac Dickinson '64
Memories from Jerry Long '63
Our friend and fellow Wagnerite, Jacob M. Dickinson IV, better known as Mac, cleared post this morning at 3:53 surrounded by his loving family in Memphis after a long and exceedingly brave and inspirational struggle with cancer. His lovely wife Chesley and his three small children need our loving thoughts and prayers during this time of sadness.
I talked to Col. Dickinson yesterday. He sounded so sad and worn. He and Betty were like second parents to me out at Clark and I know losing their lst born is a deep heartache. My heart goes out to them and to Libby'66 and to Ida and Lulu. And most especially to Chesley his wonderful wife whose love and strength filled Mac's cup to overflowing, and to Hannah, Henry and Jackson his three precious kids.
Mac will be cremated. There will be a memorial service on Thursday in Memphis and then burial in Nashville in the family plot on Friday. I will be there in spirit.
I found something at my Aunts this summer which I think expresses how Mac felt about his pending departure which I have attached.
Peace and Love to you Brother Mac, and to all of us who knew and loved you.
Memories from Artie Weiss '63
The memories I will keep, there just won't be any new ones.
See ya later on.
John Robert Glaubke '64
December 31, 1945 - December 23, 1980
Memories from Babs Glaubke Rice '60
My beloved brother, John, died in a tractor accident at his new ten acre home in Redding, California just prior to his 35th birthday. He is remembered as a fun loving husband, brother and uncle who seemed to have a zest for life and "let no grass grow under his feet." After graduating and leaving the PI, he joined me and my husband in Oregon and attended Junior College for a short while before becoming restless and heading for LA. When our parents transferred to Hickam in Hawaii, he joined them there, where he met his true love, Janet Leer, while she was vacationing from California. He soon followed her to San Jose and they were married in 1966. They were the perfect partners, both in marraige and business. They ran a Sir Speedy Printing business together for 14 years in the San Jose area before selling and moving to Redding. They built their dream home in Redding and were taking time out before deciding on another business there. They were seriously considering adoption at the time of his death. His widow returned to San Jose and has not remarried. Although his life was far too short, my memories of him always make me smile. He was the best Uncle in the world to my three children and a generous, light hearted and loving brother to me.
Memories from Ted Herring '63
In the span of years my friendship with John was short, but in the age of innocence, in a land far away it seemed forever. John was an ephemeral being, constantly changing the dynamic of his universe. His was a vagabond personality, never concerned with anything for very long, but always interested in everything forever. I was saddened to discover that John's forever was so brief. The friendship of adolescence transcends time and the thought of John brings the following verse to mind.
"Life is not measured by its span of years.
Kind thoughts and deeds does memory retain
He has lived longest who has made the world
Brighter and happier because he came"
Frank "Mick" McMahon '64
Memories from Bev Char '66
I've been thinking about this for quite awhile, and have decided it might be a good thing to give an "absent" alumni a voice. This is one of several poems written to me by Frank "Mick" McMahon on board a ship taking him to Viet Nam dated Dec 16, 1966:
"Please remember these are spontaneous. I'd hate to see what would
come out with thought, so:
Alone in a world of its own
This Sea with a diamond covered dome
Possesses me in a way unknown
Of cherished thoughts of you at home.
Would love have one so fair
In giving wholly not beseeched
By thoughts of gain or woe to
Never know the harvest which to bear."
It feels good to remember.
Howard Honeywell '65
Memories from Barbara Honeywell Chaple '63
My brother was a track team member and played soccer. Howard served 20 years in the Air Force and unfortunately passed away with brain cancer on February 3, 1997.
Sherrie Metts '65
Memories from Barbara Long '65
My friend, Sherrie Metts, died on December 26, 1993 -- just three short years before I reconnected with FalconFriends in Washington DC. The directory showed Toby, her big brother and protector, had been found, so I phoned him all excited to know where Sherrie was so I could call her immediately if not sooner. He told me the unbelievable: she died while in Saudi Arabia. He was able to be with her. Sherrie had a stroke a few weeks before and was on a ventilator, however, true to Sherrie and her determination, she wanted to make it through Christmas. She did; she died the day after. Toby told me what she'd been doing lo these thirty years. He said Sherrie was a happy person, she loved her job and the roads it took. She was an X-ray technician, well respected and particularly well liked by the staff. She enjoyed her freedom and independence and chose a career to help others, allow her to travel (Ireland, England, the Middle East), and "step out on stage." This special person was so dear to me, my eyes still fill with tears when I think of her. I remember she had a smile that brightened any room she walked into. And, you looked into her inner self through her eyes. She had the prettiest face. I remember her contagious laugh and what a giving nature she had. Sherrie was not a dramatic person; she was sweet and kind and perhaps shy to a certain degree. She was not the prom queen, but if there was a contest, she would be the most congenial. Sherrie truly cared about people. I'm not at all surprised by her professional choice. I spent many a night at her house laughing and talking about everything. She had a huge crush on Tom Sellers. (I'm not sure if he knew that, but I don't think she'd mind me sharing.) I remember Mrs. Jernigan told Sherrie to ask me if I was ready to return to home ec class (after I'd been sent me from the room); I WAS NOT, and timid Sherrie, head down, had to relay the news to Mrs. J. Sherrie was enjoying it, but too nice a person to relish the enjoyment. We laughed a lot about that. We laughed a lot about a lot of things. I miss her.
Steve McElravy '66
Excerpt from Lexington Herald
Steve died in a plane crash in Lexington Kentucky on 08/31/06
Fran McElravy spent yesterday searching for photos of her son, Steve McElravy of Hagerstown, Md.
The snapshots of birthdays, graduations and family gatherings of years past helped conjure memories of her eldest child.
"Going through all of them you can just see his admiration for his kids," said Fran McElravy of Aurora, Colo.
McElravy's youngest son has Down syndrome, she said. "Steve was just so good with him. He was so patient. He took him fishing and everything," she said. McElravy, 57, is also survived by a wife, a teenage son, a stepdaughter and a grown son from a previous marriage.
Although he moved his family to Maryland four years ago, McElravy still managed to routinely make it back to Lincoln, Neb., the place he was born and later worked for decades. For several years, he worked in drug and alcohol abuse prevention there.
"He was a helper from day one. ... He was very bright, very accepting of others," said friend Bob Schroeder, who worked with him at the Nebraska Council to Prevent Alcohol and Drug Abuse.
Born into an Air Force family, McElravy traveled early in life.
As a boy, he lived in Japan. Halfway through his high school senior year, his parents moved with their five children from near Miami to the Philippines. McElravy ended the year as class salutatorian, his mother said.
For college, McElravy returned to Lincoln and the University of Nebraska, where he marched in the Cornhusker band. After earning a master's degree in social work at the University of Michigan, he returned to Lincoln.
Four years ago, he took a job in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. To prevent the sale of cigarettes to children, McElravy helped several states start programs to monitor stores, Schroeder said.
"He traveled all over the country. That's why he was on that plane," said his mother. He was on his way home from a business trip Sunday, and his wife, Audrey, was waiting for him, a brother said.
Yesterday, McElravy said she was glad to busy herself searching for photos of her son, something to help her daughter-in-law prepare for a memorial in Maryland.
She sighed thinking about her first-born. "We're not supposed to lose our children," she said.
James Powell '65
Memories from his wife LaNelle Johnson Powell
Submitted on 02/08/2004
Please consider this as a memorial to James Powell. I''m sorry it has taken me 4 years to write about Jimmy. When someone is taken so suddenly from you the grief you go through can be a slow travel. Jimmy died of a sudden heart attack in March of 2000. He was my highschool sweet heart, best friend, and husband of 32 years. I loved him very much. Shortly after coming back stateside the Army made him an offer he couldn't refuse. Jimmy served 4 years in the Army and was a VietNam veteran with the Americal Division. He continued to serve in a different vain as a Department of Army civilian at Anniston Army Depot for 33 years, until the day he died, just two years shy of retirement. We made our home in Anniston, AL, and raised two children, Jennifer and Jeff. He lived to see all three of his grandchildren born. Jimmy was "Bear" to some folks but a good buddy and protector of his childhood friends. He cared deeply about those life long friends. His life was enriched by the love of his family, and friendships he shared with many of you. There can be no other.
LaNelle Johnson Powell
Tom Sellers '65
Memories from Dianne Senn Mandel '65
Submitted on 05/24/2007
It is with great sadness that I am writing to inform everyone that Tom
Sellers of the Class of 1965 passed away of an apparent heart attack at
home in Jefferson City, Mo on April 11th. There was a memorial at his
church on April 20th. Condolences can be sent to his family at: . Tom was my special friend and "First Love" so
needless to say, it is difficult news to learn and accept but my only hope
is that he is at peace.
Dianne Senn Mandel '65 (Clark '62-'64)
Memories from Ron Bonner '65
Submitted on 05/24/2007
It was so wonderful seeing Tom reunited with the group via WHOA e-mailing lists a few years ago after he was found and he really enjoyed being part of the group again. The last time I saw Tom was at the '98 Charleston Reunion and he was residing in South Carolina at that time. It seems like just yesterday that I was catching a ride on the back of his Lambretta circa '62 when we were working out at the Base Garden area as summer job, free as a bird just havin fun. Lot's of great memories at teenclub, lot's of great memories of trips to Subic and Grande Island and Baguio and around school. I am saddened for Dianne as Tom was her first love at Clark back in those days. We will miss him for sure . .
Sandra Rowe Hess '66
Memories from Don Hess (husband)
My beautiful wife of 31 years passed away on the 20th of may 1998. Her ambition was to contact all her classmates of the class of 66. We had just recently found your website and she was overwhelmed. She has been trying to find her best girlfriend, Jackie Huff, maybe if any of your subscribers know her whereabouts they could let her know.
I met this beautiful lady at Craig Air Force base in 1966 and we were married on the 19th of Aug 1967, We had 5 children and travelled all over the world from assignment to assignment. She died suddenly, but knowingly she was loved so much.
A loving husband and children and grandchildren.
Bill Nichols '66
Memories from Bekki Blais Murphy '66
Submitted on 3/8/01
He was the best friend I ever had in the whole world those of you that were there know what I am taking about.
Linda Richardson '66
Memories from Taylor Grant (Peggy Robinson)'66
Submitted on 06/23/01
In Memory of
Linda Richardson
Class of 1966
It is interesting to note that there are no entries in memoriam for Linda Richardson. I believe it’s because not many people knew her very well. Her time in this world was difficult and complicated. For many reasons, she built a powerful wall of "invisibility," behind which she lived much of her brief lifetime, unusually shy and sensitive. But if you were one of the lucky people who was allowed inside the boundaries of that wall, you found a loving, witty and generous soul of such tenderness and warmth that you could not help being drawn to her.
My address book and pictures were lost in transit back to the US, and there seemed to be no way to get back in touch. But I never forgot the people I’d grown to love so dearly in such a short time. So many times over the years I’ve wondered what became of everyone and, until I found, I never found out. The first two people I looked for were Linda Richardson and Danny Theobald. We were in the same small, closely knit group that danced many nights away at the Teen Club, full of the enchantment of youth. When we were on the dancefloor, we could all forget our challenges, delighting in intricate steps and twirls synchronized to songs that seemed magical. Our lives revolved around our music and each other, and we were somehow joined forever through our experiences in this paradise.
Several of our little group were registered on the website and I sent off emails to all of them. In speaking with Danny T., he sadly told me that Linda was lost sometime in the 70s when she took her own life. I wish I’d had the chance to wish her well on her journey, free at last of her burdens in this existence. Hopefully Linda has gone to a place of brightness and joy, for she deserves no less.
Peggy Robinson
(now Taylor Grant)
Class of ‘66
Dee Krause ' 67
Memories from Nancy Tyndall
Submitted on 03/14/2009
Birth: unknown
Death: Apr. 22, 2005
Hedwig Village Mayor Dee Srinivasan, 55, died today after a lengthy illness.Srinivasan, serving her second two-year term, was a candidate for re-election in the May 7 municipal election. She was challenged by former Mayor Sue Speck.The election will continue with Srinivasan's name on the ballot, said City Administrator Beth Staton. If she gets more votes than Speck, city council members will consult with the city attorney about options, which might include a special election or appointment of an interim mayor, Staton said.A resident of Hedwig Village for 14 years, Srinivasan worked with her husband, a developer, until she was elected in 2001 as mayor of the enclave city surrounded by west Houston.She leaves her husband, Lucky Srinivasan, and three children.Funeral services are scheduled for 2 p.m. Tuesday at Christ the Servant Lutheran Church, 2400 Wilcrest in Houston
I was friends with Dee while at Clark Air Base. We had located each other thru WHOA site and emailed a few times. Was trying to track her down again, but this is what I found by searching google.
My name in the PI was Nancy Hazzard, and was also class of 67
Nancy Tyndall
Simeona Lipscomb '67
Memories from Sylvia Giordano
Submitted on 8/30/2005
I will always remember Simeona and how sweet she was to a newcomer such as me. Because of my other schools I attended in other states I was in some classes with the Freshman and she always was so nice to me. I will never forget when Raymond Burr visited the base and for whatever reason he was at the Lipscombs home and a picture was taken of her sitting next to him and it showed what an enormous man he really was. She was petite but sitting next to him she looked like a child. I had few friends while I was in the PI but I considered her and Barbara Copeland among the few. She was one of the only people that I had wanted to find when I found this site so was very upset when I found she was gone. I still think of her and how she made my uphappy time there a lot better. I still grieve every time I think of her.
Stewart Chambers '68
Memories from Mary Elizabeth Bolint '68
Submitted on May 10, 2007
Stu Chambers died in 2006 from 'pulmonary fibrosis' in California.
He had moved there a few years prior in order to be near his young son and his second wife, Lynn Ansbro, class of '70.
While he was young, Stu had lived in the PI with his family for many years, and before that in Taiwan. Several of his brothers
also went to school with us at Wagner.
Stu and I were in 'home room' together with "Miss Canto" [1968], and he did his best to torment her whenever possible. [nicely and subtly, of course]. He went to quite a few Reunions, and really loved catching up with all his Wagner pals.
Stu was a highly intelligent guy [he had a very successful law practice in South Florida] but what I remember most vividly, and will miss greatly, was his highly irreverent sense of humor. He saw life slightly askew, and with little comments, could have me laughing out loud every few minutes.
He was also a kind and compassionate person, and really enjoyed helping people in trouble, through his law practice. When Donny Green ['69] was dying of cancer, Stu jumped on a plane without hesitation, met me in the Dallas airport, and we flew to Montana in the middle of the cold winter, to spent a few days with Donny. We wanted Donny to know before he left, that he had an impact on all our lives. As a friend, Stu had a steady hand, the kind of person you could call and talk to from any part of the world, at any time of the night, for reassurance, and his thoughtful insights on "life", and what ever problem was troubling me. Stu gave a lot of himself to other people.
In the summer of 1970, Stu and Lynn and I spent 3 months working in Durham NC. We shared a house about a block from Duke University where I had been going to school. We were poverty stricken students, it was our first time living away from our parents support. For many years thereafter tuna fish made me sick, because that was all we could afford to eat that summer - ever try tuna fish lasagna ? We had many hilarious experiences, and ate watermelon on a couch on the front porch during the luscious, long, slow, southern, summer evenings, seeing who could spit the seeds the farthest.
To me, Stu Chambers was an iconic person - representing the 'once in a lifetime' precious memories of the PI, Wagner and my youth. I miss him greatly.
Mary Elizabeth Bolint "MEOB"
Steve McAleer '68
Memories from Andy Bell '68 and Donna Gauthier, wife
Submitted on 03/13/2008
I have sad news to share and it is attached. I got a phone call a while back and the caller ID said Steven McAleer. It had been a couple years since we had talked and I'd lost touch because he isn't famous for having his name in the directory or anywhere else and with life racing along at warp speed, I'd failed to remain connected with him. Needless to say, it was his wife, Donna, on the other end of the line. Immediately I knew Steve was gone. We had hooked up at the last reunion we had in Colorado Springs and then I'd gone down to Sacramento and driven up to Chico with Steve and visited the two of them a couple times. If anyone was a perfect match for the eclectic, intellectual, and somewhat socially "half a bubble off center" Steven, it is Donna. She is a gem of a person and I was saddened to hear her voice because I knew she was calling because he couldn't. She had just come across his address book and found my name. I'd been trying for some time to locate him -- especially since Dee Sidle died. They were close way back when and I'm not certain Steven ever heard about Dee. Donna said that Steve had developed some clots between his liver and gall bladder leading to some complicated medical condition that was inoperable.
They had a great relationship and I believe he had found considerable peace and excitement about life and the things he loved with Donna. If any of you are inclined to drop her a line and share memories, I know she would enjoy hearing from you. If you are aware of folks who might have been close to Steve, please pass this on.
Chuck Ferrell '68
Memories from Dave Chambless '68
Submitted on 10/30/00
It is with great sadness that I advise you that Chuck Ferrell, who graduated from Wagner with the class 1968, died earlier this month.
After graduating from Wagner (as an honor graduate), Chuck opted to go into the Navy for four years, and to let the Navy fund his college after his "retirement". He was the backseater on super-spy F-4s that flew off the coast of VietNam. On one flight, he got to talk from his cockpit with Tricky Dick in the White house! On the day he separated from the Navy in 1972, Chuck was involved in an auto accident that left him a quadriplegic.
Living with his family in Iron City, Tennessee (Chuck liked to refer to it as "Arn City"), Chuck let his mind roam the cosmos. He had several businesses, which he managed from his wheeled seat of power. His rapier wit was well matched with his caustic cynicism. Chuck was silent on the ordeals he faced (and there were many, as his injury left him motionless from the neck down but did not numb the pain....Chuck was one of the few quadriplegics who could [and did] feel pain). Nonetheless, throughout his ordeals, he never let his humor escape him. Though intensely competitive, he still let my sons win their many games of Jeopardy! And, his optimism was legendary.... Chuck was a graceful, sweet man.
This world is a poorer place with Chuck's departure for his "homegoing".
Don Sharpe '68
Memories from Andrea Sharpe (wife)
Submitted on 01/05/2004
My name is Andrea Sharp, Don's wife. I am going thru Don's e-mails and wanted to advise you that he passed away suddenly on Oct 19, 2004 of a heart attack. He had not been ill and thankfully, he did not suffer. Please remove his address from your directory at your convenience. I would not mind if you put a general announcement regarding his passing in a future newsletter.
Thank you...
Shelly Stedman '68
Memories from Mary Elizabeth Bolint '68
Submitted on May 10, 2007
It has taken me many years to come to terms with Shelly's death at so young an age -- at 21 she was in a motorcycle accident, hit her head, was in a coma for days - I guess they had to pull the plug because there was no chance she would survive.
She was my best friend at Wagner. We did lots of crazy fun things together. I remember when we snuck off base to go with a lot of people to Bam-Bam Falls. We trekked through the rice patties, swum through steep ravines in the deep part of the stream, afraid of getting leaches on our legs, [the guys were scaring us pretty well at that point]. we came across a group of Negritos - the women washing cloth in the stream, the men standing guard. They definitely had those steel pointed arrows, and bows and blow guns across their shoulders. We looked away so as to not provoke them. This was real adventure for 17 & 18 year olds.
When her mother told me that she was killed - it hit me like a tons of bricks. I was 21, and this was the first significant person in my life to die. When I moved to the PI my sister, whom I was very close to, did not come with us - in many ways Shelly took her place. She was like a sister AND a best friend, one who knows you well, accepts all your faults, and loves you anyway. "Super Shelly Stedman" - SSS - was very dynamic, smart, and open, eager to embrace all the excitement of her young life and what was to come. We planned to have double weddings, and raise our kids together. When she was gone, it was a big space that I never really filled again. Nobody like her.
It has been hard for me to find friends like we had in the PI. After all that we went through, being young & vulnerable, coming of age in the middle of a sad and bloody war. So aware of our mortality. Every day was like a century, so intensely lived. No one else knows that - no one else has the bond that we share.
I miss Shelly and still think about her. I believe her spirit is there -- joined with all those who died young and strong and beautiful - now I understand when they say "the good die young". Mary Bolint '68
Dee Sidle '68
Memories from Mary Elizabeth Bolint '68
Submitted on May 10, 2007
"Dee Sidle was my friend and I'm proud to say it. She died suddenly after a short, acute, bout of peritonitis, in January 2006. Her last words to her husband, Joe Hackett, while they rolled her into surgery were - "I love you". She has a beautiful young daughter Erin who looks a lot like Dee, - - big eyes with fringey lashes and big smile. Even her hilarious quick and witty remarks. Dee had a big family and they all got together over the years at the beach and kept close even as adults.
Dee and her husband had just retired and were planning their immanent move to St Petersburg Florida. I had kept up with her over the years, and seen her several times recently. She was at the Spring of 2005 Reunion in Virginia Beach.
Dee and I were very excited to plan taking cooking classes together when she moved here to the Tampa Bay. [She was a great cook according to Joe - -] She and Joe had been to the Tampa Bay Area, in December 2006 to buy a house, near where I live. Our last few days together as friends were spent enjoying the beautiful warm weather here in winter, walking along the beach, watching the sun set and the stars come out.
I miss her a lot. She was just getting ready to relax and enjoy her retirement, and was looking forward to it. It seems unfair. But it was also true that she had a very full and good life - family, friends, work that she enjoyed. I guess we cannot ask for more than that.
About a month after she died, her brothers, Joe and Erin, and friends here in Florida, gathered together at the beach. We had dinner outside, played music, toasted Dee as the sun set, and - - just when it got dark, - - there were spectacular fireworks over the water.
She is still with us."
Donnie Green '69
Memories from Nancy McCullough '69
Submitted on 1/29/00
I went to visit Donny in January, about 6 weeks before he died. At the hotel I wrote this to give to him. It is an attempt to express what he meant to me. He and I cried when he read it, something we did a lot of
the day I visited. His death is a terrible loss to all of us.
About my dear friend, Donny Green
I count Donny as one of my dearest friends and greatest men I have ever known. Donny is a man who exudes calm, warm wisdom and an affection for humanity that is infectious and undeniable. Even as a teenaged male--as virile and vital and strong as any you'll ever meet--Donny had wisdom, kindness and patience far beyond his years. His warm smile and the steady gaze of those lovely brown eyes envelope those lucky enough to be with him in acceptance and grace. His wit is quick and his humor is great, and they never come at the expense of anyone but himself.
Donny is the soul of our Wagner community. He sets a standard for caring and generosity that inspire us and make us whole, allowing us to believe the best of ourselves and each other. With Donny we transcend time and limitations and bask again in the infinite sense of possibilities and passion that is youth. Donny keeps us in touch with what matters, with the necessity and joy and ease of caring and sharing treasured time together.
Donny has been a gift in my life, a hero whose spirit will live always, lightening my load and giving me strength, peace and hope.
John Harding '69
Active in:
Memories from Vincent Slupecki '70
Memories of John Harding, an original Half-breed and cousin to the Binkleys, Hailes and Slupeckis. A true friend who survived Vietnam, only to succumb to agent orange and a single car accident on his way home. Although he's been gone for a long time, his perennial smile is still with us.
Theresa Horvath '69
Memories from Rick (Chip) Horvath, (Brother) '70
Submitted on May 15, 2007
Theresa M. Horvath (Teri), class of 69, died on January 21, 2007, in Eagle River, Alaska after a year long battle with cancer. She attended Wagner for only her senior year then return to attend SIUE. She is survived by her two children and three grandchildren. Even though her time at Clark was short, it set the tone for the rest her life. She was a free spirit and enjoyed everything she did as a wife, mother, grandmother, and business owner. She was unafraid to open new doors and begin new journeys. She always led the way. Her parents, seven siblings, and her children will miss her love for life and her smile. She has made her final journey to join her husband, daughter, and grandson.
Michael Meade '69
Memories from Melody Meade Noble '67
Michael graduated from San Gregonio High School, in San Bernardino, Calf. He spent 16 1/2 years in the Navy, with his last few years before discharge as part of a flight crew for the P3 Orion antisubmarine warfare aircraft. He was medically discharged from the Navy in 1985, being diagnosed with Hodgkin's Disease. In 1989 he graduated from Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington with a B.S. in marine biology. He died in 1994 and is survived by his wife Pam and daughter Tara. He enjoyed hunting, fishing, coin collecting, and motorcycle riding.
Gary C. Shaw '69
Active in:
Teen Club
Memories from Tammy Shaw
Gary was at Clark from 1960-63. Sister, Sandy Shaw, class of '63 also went to Wagner. Gary was the "Twist King" in the Teen Parade, played football, had many friends, and was known for his great sense of humor. He came to Houston, TX after Clark, where he was an avid surfer, golfer, and baseball and football player. He graduated from Lee High School and attended the University of Texas in Austin, majoring in pre-law. Gary left school and lived in Key West and then in the Bahamas before returning to Houston where he died in 1971 at the age of 20.
Daniel Wyatt '69
Active in:
Track and Field
Memories from Vincent Slupecki '70
He was a gentle giant, soft spoken and loved by all he came in touch with. You could see his soul through those soft hazel eyes. Dan returned from Vietnam a changed person. His brother Wayne '70 was present as he crossed over to the other side.
George Yuen '68
Memories by John Starnes
Submitted on June 9, 2003
George was Hawaiian, He came from San Fransico, CA. His father wanted him to be a concert guitarist, but instead had a passion for rock and roll. He carried his guitar with him and played on request. He was a member of a band called the Bay Mist in SF and was the lead for the band London Burns at Clark. Geoge and I hung out with Paul Tullo, Richard Starkey, Mike Gibson and Mark Spore. George was an even tempered teen and trouble man. Like many in the 60-70's George used and got clean and many of us found each other in the later years and rekindled our friendships. I had planned to go and see my friend back home in California. In an overwhelming surprise Paul Tullo e-mailed me and said he had passed away.
I picture George carrying his guitar in his beatle boots and levis, green t-shirt and black leather jacket with his straight blue-black hair flying in the air, telling Saint Peter check this piece out by Eric Clapton or maybe Stairway to heaven by Led Z. My friend didn't die from drugs, but of a heart that got beat up from the drugs and that he was called home leaving his Grandkids. Yeah George had made peace with all and he quietly headed home like the many night we took the Off Base bus to his house down by Tim and Candy Lees house.
