Class of 1955
Class of 1957
Mary Bumpus
Virginia Coffing
Fulton "Poopsy" Mahan
Chuck Vesely
Class of 1958
Helen Rivera Vargus
Class of 1959
Patsy Graziano

Lois Sidenblad
Memories from Marian L. (Sidenblad) Huck, Lois' sister.
Submitted 3/8/01
Lois M. (Sidenblad) Anderline 1955 Graduating Class of Wurtsmith Memorial High Class She had been diagnosed with breast cancer and had surgery in August 2000. Following a course of chemotherapy she seemed to be recovering and gaining her strength. In early February she began to suffer pain and it was determined the cancer metasticized in the liver. Lois died on February 25, 2001.
She reached out and helped many people. Her circle of friends gathered to mourn and support the
She will be missed by all.
Joe Gherardini '58
Submitted on 05/05/04
Memories from Michelle Gherardini (daughter)
I am writing to you to regarding Joe Gherardini, Class of 1958. I was so grateful to have known my father. For those of you that knew him, even in his younger years, you must be familiar with his brilliance as an artist. His premature passing in 1985 of ill health is still a loss to us all. The lives he touched with his quick wit and sense of humor was rivaled by his genius. My brother, sister, and I are thankful that his blood runs through our veins, and regret the loss we suffer from his passing: artistically, spiritually, and intellectually. I will always treasure the knowledge he passed on and the memories he gave us. He lives on in our hearts forever. Until we meet again, Dad...
Your ever-loving daughter,
Michelle Gherardini
Bob O'Bier '58
Memories from John Prunier '65
I was saddened to hear of Bob's passing. I was privileged to have been with Bob earlier this month and to call him my friend. You may recall that Bob and I had a micro-reunion on the 1st. He shared with me many wonderful memories of Wurtsmith, Clark and the Philippines. He was also very anxious to see all of his friends in Charleston after so many years. With Bob's passing, I will make it a point to meet and share some of the stories and greetings he had planned for the reunion and his friends from the late '50s.
I hope we can all toast Bob's memory and perhaps dedicate at least a part of the Charleston reunion to him.
Memories from Mary Lou Petryk '58
The news about Bob O'Bier's passing has saddened all of us who knew him and were really looking forward to seeing him again at the Charleston Reunion. He called me long distance right after I had been "found" by Steve Gladin and we must have talked for over an hour. As we talked the years melted away and it was as if we had seen each other just the other day. He will never know how much his phone call meant to me.
He also said that his family still had property in Louisiana not far from where we live here in East Texas and that he got down this way quite often. We talked about getting together on one of his trips this way. He knew just about where we live.
I have sent a card and a note to his wife Judy and hope that in some small way it will help her to know that I will miss him and that I care.
Mike States '58
Memories from Leslie Seifers (friend and companion)
Submitted on 03/01/2008
Sadly, Mike States - class of '58 - died in June after a long, hard 3-year battle with cancer.
Mike had retired from the CIA after 25 years of service and thereafter was a Program Director with QuesTech Service Co. and later a Senior Project Manager with CACI Technology Services. He had lived in Virginia for over 30 years and moved to Florida in 2005. He was predeceased by his wife Caroline and is survived by his son Charles.
Submitted by his long time friend and companion Leslie Seifers
Diana Margaret Chase '59
Memories from Donna L Smith '61
My first very best friend at Clark was Diana. She was a very attractive girl who never wore slacks (not nice in those days), had every hair in place and didn't leave the house without makeup on. How she chose me for a best friend, I'll never know because I wore my brothers jeans, Dad's shirts and hair in a pony tail. She and I shared secrets, hopes and dreams until she graduated and left Clark to go to college in Denver,CO. Just before Christmas 1961 I got a Christmas card from her mother telling me that Diana had been killed in a car accident.
Marlene Hiller Jorris '59
Memories from Jean Whitman Brown '59
Submitted 02/19/02
It is with a very heavy heart that I report the loss of another outstanding member of the Class of '59, and my dear friend -- Marlene Hiller Jorris -- on January 18, 2002. Marlene was my best friend in high school, captain of the cheerleaders, smart as a whip, a really sweet and pretty girl. She became a chemical engineer, married, and then went to medical school. We had great times together during our first year out of high school while we were still at Clark with our families, and fun visits during our college years in the States -- she at Hofstra and MIT and me at the U of MD. I was a bridesmaid in her wedding, and was with her when she made the decision to go to medical school when her first child was only 3 months old. Tragedy struck Marlene while she was doing her residency at GW in neurosurgery -- her second child died of crib death. Then her sister died suddenly, then her father. Marlene was never the same. She and I remained good friends -- she had been like a sister to me for so many years -- but noone could ease her pain. We had many long talks by phone through the years. I last heard from Marlene Christmas Day. We had last been together in May of 2000 when we, along with 2 other members of the Class of '59, Barbara Stevenson Wilson and Carmen Armstrong Herndon, and Keets Dowling Cassar '60, and Tom Herndon (Post-Grad '59) all visited another classmate, Patsy Graziano Robken before she passed away.
Patsy and Marlene -- two beautiful, sweet, intelligent ladies, outstanding members of the class of '59 and of the human race -- lost, but not of pain at last. Rest in peace, dear ones....and thanks for the wonderful memories.
