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Reunion Memory Books
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Las Vegas '97  -  Charleston '98  - San Antonio '99
Las Vegas '97 Memory Book
Las Vegas '97 Memory Book Cover
The official Las Vegas '97 Memory Book
 Las Vegas '97  Reunion Memory Books are still available!!

Memories and photos from the '80s and '90s alumni association's get together

There are still a few Memory Books left - Price $20

Charleston '98 Memory Book
Charleston '98 Memory Book Cover
The official Charleston '98 Memory Book
 Charleston '98 Reunion Memory Books are here!!

These are great photos and memories from a great past reunion. 

1.  Full-sized format with more than 250 great photos.  Each page is enclosed in plastic for protection and all pages are in a ring binder.  Price is $35 for the book alone, or you can add a CD-ROM with all of the archived photos including photos from the Learning Channel's Episode #17, "Wagner High School" filmed during the reunion,  for an additional $15.

2.  A Half-sized format with all of the same photos and features as above.  Price is only $20.  You can also add the CD-ROM for an additional $15.

3.  Memory Book on CD-ROM including a copy of all Charleston '98 photos.  Price $25

San Antonio '99 Memory Book
The San Antonio '99 Memory Book Cover
The official San Antonio '99 Memory Book
 San Antonio '99 Reunion Memory Books are here!

Once again, these are great photos and memories from the great past reunions. 

1.  We have one type available now, a full-sized format with more than 250 photos in mostly color with some black and white.  Each page is enclosed in plastic for protection and all pages are in a ring binder.  Price is $35 for the book alone, or you can add a CD-ROM with all of the archived photos (more than 1100!) for an additional $15.

2.  Memory Book on CD-ROM including a copy of all San Antonio '99 photos.  Price $25

Click the following for information on ordering the Official SA '99 Photo Packages or the Reunion Videos

Print/Copy and complete the following:
Name: ________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
Phone #: ________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________________

Memory Books
Las Vegas '97
Charleston '98
Full-sized $35 or $50 with CD-ROM
Half-sized $20 or $35 with CD-ROM
CD-ROM only - $25
San Antonio '99
$35 basic or $50 with CD-ROM
CD-ROM only - $25

To order Las Vegas '97 Memory Books:

1.  Complete the order form above
2.  Circle the package(s) you wish to order
3.  Send your payment and order form to:

    WHOA Memory Books
Patrice Lewis '89
316 Grenadine Way
Hercules, CA 94547


Make checks or money orders payable to:  Patrice Lewis

*Note - Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.  All prices shown are for delivery within the USA, including APO/FPO addresses (1st Class only).  Please contact Patrice Lewis for availability and prices for other locations.

To order Charleston '98 or San Antonio '99 Memory Books (see below for CD-ROM orders):

1.  Complete the order form above
2.  Circle the package(s) you wish to order
3.  Send your payment and order form to:

    WHOA Memory Books
Donna Smith '61
505 Ridge Lake Road
Crestview, FL 32536



Make checks or money orders payable to:  Donna Smith

*Note - Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.  All prices shown are for delivery within the USA, including APO/FPO addresses (1st Class only).  Please contact Donna Smith for availability and prices for other locations.

To order CD-ROM Memory Books:

$15 each when included with any Memory Book, or $25 for CD-ROM alone.

1.  Complete the order form above
2.  Circle the package(s) you wish to order
3.  Send CD-ROM orders and payment to:

WHOA  Memory Book CD
Roy Thelin
12109 Greenvalley Drive
Louisville, KY 40243

email:  support@whoa.org
Phone:  (608) 676-8224

Make check or Money order payable to:  Roy Thelin

*Note - Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.  All prices shown are for delivery within the USA, including APO/FPO addresses (1st Class only).  Please contact Roy Thelin for availability and prices for other locations.

All profit on merchandise sales are donated to WHOA and your alumni associations!

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