contributed by Theresa D. Brown
012/013014015 Seniors:
016017018019 Seniors: Cynthia
Jo Aleska to Stu Chambers
020021022023 Seniors: Chambless
to Carter Field
024025026027 Seniors: Student
Government, and Ronald Fraser to Joyce Hartnett
028029030031 Seniors: Jim Hindman
to Mike Martin
032033034035 Seniors: John McGuinness
to Carolyn Dorothy Peters
036037038039 Seniors: Martina
Marie Porritt to Helen G. Sorrell
040041042043 Seniors: Ronald Stancell
to James Williamson
044045046047 Seniors: Bob Willoughby
to Sharon Lynn Zornes, and the Super Seniors 1968
048049050051 Seniors: The Super
Seniors 1968 (con't)