Ernie Segovia '76
Wagner High Online Alumni

1997 Texas Mini-Reunion - Wichita Falls, TX
Page 2

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Photos contributed by Duckie '76 and scans from Chuck Schladenhauffen '74
Okay since you put my old photo with my mouth open on one of those pages it's only fair to post the one of Ernie (Ernie Segovia '76) wearing his shower curtain (after his clothes were stolen). (Debbie Goldey '76)

I walked up to each and every person who attended the mini-reunion and asked "would you like to meet Gary (Gary McClellan '75), I brought him with me". I would then say "here he is in my living room" and whip out the picture I took of you when you came to visit me. The best reaction I had was from Bob Lumby - he started looking all around the room saying "where's Gary - I really want to shake that guys hand". The look of disappointment when he saw it was just a photo was heart wrenching. But most everyone knew the duck had struck and to look out for the rest of the night after I did that to them!!! So not only does Bob Lumby win the "Gimpy" award - he wins the most gullible (the duck got him) award. Another award I thought of - Woody wins the award for being most expressive with hands and arms award. (She also wins the award for not eating food she ordered - she was too excited to eat). Pam and Sandra Thelin left the Beer Garden to begin their two hour drive home only to show back up an hour later because Pam left her purse in Ira's car - so they win the "went the extra mile to come to a mini-reunion award." I could go on and on......Duckie '76 (Debbie Goldey Wardick) :>

Photo #7

Woody with the hands again, and Bob lumby and Ira Sinlao

(Woody also wins the award for not eating food she ordered - she was too excited to eat).

Hey...I had to save room for the beer! Nah...actually, pants were just too damn tight! good dieting technique!!!! lol!!...
Woody 85

Photo #8
Jenny , Chuck, Pam Thelin, Bob Lumby, Sandra Thelin, Duckie, Ernie, and Ira

...I complimented Ira on how much more handsome he's become as a grown man. He just crumbled with embarrassment and I continued to "pick" on him the rest of the night. The rest of the ladies jumped on him too. The rest is history. Seriously though, ALL the guys at the TX mini-reunion looked "fine" but they were jealous because Ira got all the attention. All of these men look better now than they did in HS. They matured nicely. Ira I apologize if I hurt your feelings in anyway, I just couldn't help myself and you left yourself wide open for the abuse! (Abusing Ira ... just tell him how handsome and cute he is). Most guys would die for that kind of abuse!!! 
Duckie '76 (Debbie Goldey Wardick) :>

Photo #9

Pam Thelin '78 and Sandra Thelin '80

Photo #10

Left to right, Jenny , Chuck, Pam Thelin, Bob Lumby, Sandra Thelin, Duckie, Ernie, and Ira


Photo #11

Jenny Cranfill '80

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