An Annotated Pictorial History of Clark
Air Base: 1899 - 1986 by David L. Rosmer
- Appendices Pages 524 - 608
524525 Appendix 1: Clark Air
Base Commanders
526527 Appendix I: Clark Air
Base Commanders (con't) and Appendix 2: Thirteenth Air Force
528529 Appendix 2: 13AF Commanders
and Appendix 3: Thirteenth Air Force Assigned Units
530531 Appendix 3: 13AF Assigned
Units (con't)
532533 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base
534535 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
536537 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
538539 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
540541 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
542543 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
544545 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
546547 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
548549 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
550551 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
552553 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
554555 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
556557 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
558559 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
560561 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
562563 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
564565 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
566567 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
568569 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't)
570571 Appendix 4: Units Assigned
To Clark Air Base (con't) and
Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines
572573 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
574575 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
576577 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
578579 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
580581 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
582583 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
584585 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
586587 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
588589 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
590591 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
592593 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
594595 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
596597 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
598599 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
600601 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
602603 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
604605 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
606607 Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)
608Back Appendix 5: Units Assigned
To Other Locations In The Philippines (con't)